In the coming months, the Kentucky Democratic Party (KDP) will undergo a bottom-up reorganization in which all precinct, county, and state committees will be re-elected. To participate in reorganization with the Kenton Dems, you must be a registered Democrat and live in Kenton County.
If you:
Now is the time to get involved.
Reorganization gives all Democrats the opportunity to build our party and create a permanent infrastructure for the success of future Democratic Candidates.
The process begins with Precinct Conventions, during which a committee of three People is elected: one man, one woman, and a youth member (40 or younger). You can nominate yourself or another Democrat in your precinct. Winning requires getting the most votes from fellow voters within your precinct, all of whom have to show up on Convention day to cast their ballot.
The process is the same for County Conventions, where County Executive Committees are chosen. Later, the State Central Executive Committee, which represents all 6 Congressional Districts and helps advise the KDP, will be selected.
From Precinct Committees to the State Central Executive Committee, the purpose behind each role is the same: grow and strengthen the Democratic infrastructure within your community.
This means each Committee member, at every level, will be the chief organizers in their area, engaging with voters year-round and recruiting more volunteers and votes for Democrats up and down the ballot along the way.
Now, more than ever, we need Democrats willing to step up and do the work to ensure we protect our neighbors and our future.
Decide at what level you want to be involved:
Show up, bring (registered Democrat) friends from your precinct/county, and get votes to win!
We’re working to build a community of active Democrats across Kenton County. Select "Take Action" for 10 Action Steps you can take to fight back against Trump's agenda and the KYGOP supermajority.